Thursday, September 1, 2011

Busy day!

My second suit is still in construction phase, much to my lament, but I've been hard at work on new content.  Within the next few days you'll find me on to help my cause of building bigger and better Spider-Man movies!  Link here:
(the link isn't active yet, but it will be soon when all the legal activation stuff goes into play - so please keep checking - I need your support!  I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man after all!)

Also!  I've reuploaded my most famous, and my favorite, Spider-Man video: "Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane: Valentines Day" so if you aren't one of the thousands to watch before it was taken down, be sure to check it out! (Katy Perry was jealous of my music video, obviously)

If you'd like to help make future Spider-Man projects happen, or contribute or support my cause feel free to drop me a line or even just give me some feedback!  I make these things for you guys! (and ladies ;)

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