Monday, September 26, 2011

Detroit Fan Fare 2011

Hey everyone!  Recently had a great time at the Detroit FanFare convention in Detroit (obviously!) and will be back soon with a more in depth dissertation on it.  Right now I'm hard at work constructing some Spider-Man inspired armor for the Michigan Renaissance Festival and hard at work on planning for my Spider-Man film.

If you haven't heard about the film - we're still hard at work with planning and raising funds, awareness and support.  If you'd like to help out any way just contact us at!

The new kickstarter and new video should be up very soon, but I want to make sure that the new project rewards and new video are as good as they can be.  You guys deserve the best!  I'll be back tomorrow with a bigger update and a lot of photos.  Just posted everything on facebook and need to take a breather!


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