Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dragon Con, new projects and new blogs

Now that I've finally gotten technical issues resolved, I'll be updating this blog frequently.  I just finished filming "The Avengers" in Cleveland, Ohio last week and managed to get some awesome scouting done.

I was allowed on set with my suit and even got mentioned around town for the suit!  It was astonishing how many people ran out of the near-by buildings to get a free Spidey-hug.  Reminds me that all my hard work is worth it.  To any Clevelanders out there - "thanks you guys: you made me feel more at home than I ever expected!"

My second Spider-Man suit is being sewn and glued as of today and my current suit's been updated with new lenses and paints to prepare for Dragon Con in Atlanta (where I hope this blog will officially take off)!

Also got these in the mail:
A big improvement I think.

For those of you who are just now finding out about me - I have been trying for the last year to make some respectable fan films for Spider-Man, but the funds to make the suits and make a movie worthy enough are just too hard to juggle out of pocket.   My fingers are crossed that this will change and I can get enough steam power behind me to give you all what you deserve!

The suit has given me so much this past year, since I created it in May and I just hope I have the opportunity to give you all even more!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Free Comic Book Day at Comic City in Canton

Turn out started slow, but I tried my best to save the day!  Over all, I'd say it was a great success and a ton of fun.  And...there was even pizza.

Even got some reading in...

I needed to fuel up

Stocking up before I fight crime... 
My spider senses are tingling!
I have a lot of reward points.

"Everybody gets one."

Motor City Comic Con 2011

Costume Contest

Interviewed by PBS
By far my biggest event to date!  It took me 3 hours to walk from the front door to the back of the place.  I felt so fortunate to put so many smiles on so many faces.

Library Birthday Party

My friend Iron Man and I crashed a birthday party at the Redford Library. The kids were excited to see us!

Detroit Free Press

From the Detroit Free Press (October 2010)

Detroit Fan Fare 2010

Being interviewed by the Detroit Free Press

With creator of Spider-Man, Stan Lee, and my good friend Garret

Spider-Man promo photoshoot

Photos taken before an event in 2010 to promote my Spider-Man replica suit.

Spider-Man events' new website is now this blog

Welcome to Spider-Man events.  Here you'll find event listings, current news, photos and all things Spider-Man.